How can an AI Assistant Get me a Job

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How can an AI Assistant Get me a Job?

TL;DR AI assistants are becoming increasingly popular. is the first AI assistant that can really help you get a job.


What is an AI Assistant?

An AI assistant, also known as a virtual assistant or intelligent virtual assistant (IVA), is a software program that uses artificial intelligence to help you with various tasks and provide information. They are essentially like digital helpers that understand natural language. These AI assistants are often capable of outperforming similar human assistants in many common tasks, such as reading text, taking dictation, making calls, and much more. The best AI assistants rely on self-teaching algorithms to become highly personalized. For example, they can learn your preferences or speech patterns.

What kind of tasks are AI Assistants taking on in 2024?

If you think that AI assistants are already quite common, e.g. Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, they are doing quite a lot, from making orders on Amazon to finding the best route to your destination. However, these tasks are essentially extensions of existing functionality from Apple, Amazon and Google. The main difference is that you can speak your requests.

Other, perhaps more interesting, AI assistants are now available, such as Socratic, an AI-powered app designed to assist students with math and homework. This AI app enables students to take pictures with their phone camera before using AI to provide visual explanations of the concepts. Another interesting one that feels a bit like cheating is Otter. Otter is a AI meeting assistant that records audio, writes notes, automatically captures slides, and generates meeting summaries. Otter even generates and emails a summary that allows you to easily recall and share key information, saving you time from having to revisit the entire transcript.

When it comes to job hunting, there are also CV-optimising AI websites, such as Jobscan, but these are not AI assistants, more like useful AI tools. Fortunately for job seekers or job switchers living in the UK, an AI assistant automatically finds and applies for jobs for you. It is called Applying for a job is practically a full-time job in terms of time taken and focus required. It is also very repetitive, so is an ideal candidate for AI-driven automation.

How can an AI Assistant get me a Job?

When the job market is tough being an early applicant is crucial for maximising your chances of getting an interview. Searching the job boards every day and spending hours searching and filling in the same information on hundreds of online forms is simply a bad use of good time. With GetJobzi you just upload your CV once, then set and forget until the recruiters start contacting you directly. GetJobzi costs just £25 for 250 applications; it is a very affordable AI-powered virtual personal assistant that is specifically designed to help you get a job. There is also a Free Trial package, so you can try it before you buy.

What is the story behind

Back in the summer of 2023 the founders of GetJobzi were both looking for jobs, they realised finding and applying for jobs was a common repetitive task that could be performed by AI technology and some clever product design. They realised AI is becoming ubiquitous in the recruitment and HR space as AI is increasingly built into many HR and recruitment platforms as standard. AI is being used to evaluate, categorise, pigeonhole and perhaps shortlist or even reject applications. They believed the best and most practical response to this is to level up the playing field and use some powerful AI tools when you are job hunting.

What are the main advantages of AI assistants for job applicants?

The main advantages of AI assistants in general are increased productivity (automating tasks and providing quick access to information, AI assistants can save you time and effort) and convenience/time saving (since the AI bot is doing the work, you are spared a job). These advantages apply to GetJobzi too, but given the particular quirks of the job market GetJobzi provides another benefit: speed.

Being an early applicant is one of the best ways to improve your chances of getting noticed by recruiters. If you are going to do this manually, you need to set up alerts on the various job boards, then have the time to make the application almost immediately. This is not practical for people who have busy, or even not-so-busy, lives. The simplest solution is to use GetJobzi to apply for you when the job is posted.


It’s 2024, so unless you are using AI in your job search, you are letting others get ahead. Stop searching for jobs manually - hunt for them with AI! Make sure that recruiters are seeing your CV and the best way to do this is to be an early applicant. Using an AI-powered virtual assistant like will mean your applications are sent within a few hours of the jobs being posted.

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